fredag 5. juli 2013

Take care of your immersion suits - have them vacuum packed.

By vacuum packing your immersion suits you take extra care of your safety equipment as you make sure they are not affected and degraded by the outside environment over time.

Hansen Protection has offered vacuum packing of immersion suits to customers for more than 20 yrs and we have seen that our vacuum packing process ensure that immersion suits keep their quality over years. Crew service is reduced to a minimum.
Hansen Protection vacuum packing includes certified and controlled drying, packing in a double foil bag and a verified vacuum process.

The process ensures that the humidity and vacuum pressure is within limitations in order to ensure that the suit can be stored over a long period without being affected by the outside environment and still keep all qualities and features intact.

We recommend that immersion suits are inspected by ship crew on regular basis. The inspection shall determine which conditions the suits are being stored at and status of vacuum packing. Inspector shall especially look for leakage in foil bag.
If crew inspector reveal any leakage in foil bag and/or any other damage to the vacuum pack or suit, the suit should be returned to a Hansen Protection Service Station or an Approved Service Partner for inspection, possible repair and new vacuum packing.

Within 5 years from packing date or within expiry-date of the emergency light, we recommends that all the suits are being given a thorough inspection by Hansen Protection or Service Partner to reveal condition and quality on the basis of how the suits have been stored and taken care of on board vessel. Old emergency light have to be exchanged with a new one. After inspection by Hansen Protection the suits can be vacuum packed and labeled for a new period.

For suits without light or Hammar, like the Sea Eco or Sea Pass, we offer vacuum packing that last for 10 yrs.

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